I love photography, so I started a cult

I’m a photographer, writer and teacher living in the American southwest. I created MEMORY CULT to fill a need I saw in my own and others’ creative practice: a space for artists where the alchemy of mentorship, structure and creative community combines to bring our projects to life.

I’ve been shooting for 21 years & running a business for 16. When my career as a college art gallery coordinator came to an end I longed for a space where I could facilitate art, ideas and creative freedom. After leaving the religious cult I was in for 12 years, I entered the market with a unique skillset: how to run a group for the obsessed.

The Magic Patio

Summer nights, string lights, spirits. And talking till 2am about the photography community we were searching for. Memory Cult was born on The Magic Patio — the backyard of my friend and collaborator. Our monthly group meet goes by the same name.

We were interested in:

Relationship > information

Doing > Learning

Storytelling > Critique

Style > Musts

And so Memory Cult was born.

100 members later from all over the world — we have found our practices thrive best when in good company. Memory Cult is the equidistant point between my favorite places in the world: the university and the pub.